Caesarean delivery injuries are on the rise, but training and equipment can help

Caesarean delivery injuries are on the rise, but training and equipment can help

Newswise — More than 34% of Australian women give birth by caesarean section, and a significant proportion of those occur in late labor, when the fetal head is deep in the mother’s pelvis and can be impactful, so baby childbirth is difficult and poses serious risks for both parties. mother and baby. It is estimated … Read more

Xerces Blue butterfly genome sequenced

Xerces Blue butterfly genome sequenced

Newswise — Xerces Blue Butterfly (Glaucoma) was native to the coastal dunes of San Francisco, USA. As the city grew, much of the butterfly habitat was destroyed, relegating the butterfly population to Golden Gate National Park. Its wings were a deep iridescent blue with characteristic white spots on its ventral side. The last surviving specimen … Read more